dimanche 9 décembre 2007


The Hug

It was your birthday, we had drunk and dined
Half of the night with our old friend

Who'd showed us in the end

To a bed I reached in one drunk stride.

Already I lay snug,

And drowsy with the wine dozed on one side.

I dozed, I slept. My sleep broke on a hug,

Suddenly, from behind,

In which the full lengths of our bodies pressed:

Your instep to my heel,

My shoulder-blades against your chest.

It was not sex, but I could feel

The whole strength of your body set,

Or braced, to mine,

And locking me to you

As if we were still twenty-two

When our grand passion had not yet

Become familial.

My quick sleep had deleted all

Of intervening time and place.

I only knew

The stay of your secure firm dry embrace.

Thom Gunn (1929 – 2004)

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Cher Brutos-Eros,
Merci de clore ce charmant week-end parisien pluvieux (il paraît que c'est pire en Bretagne et en Normandie)par ces charmants baisers. :-o)
Et oui, nous allons recommencer une semaine de travail: nos professeurs (un peu maso.) nous ont appris religieusement cette phrase latine tirée des Géorgiques de Virgile: labor omnia vincit improbus, soit "un travail opiniâtre triomphe de tout " ! A cette phrase bonne pour un lundi matin, je lui préfère cette autre phrase tirée des Eglogues de Virgile: OMNIA VINCIT AMOR, soit l'AMOUR TRIOMPHE DE TOUT ! Tes superbes photos de baisers langoureux illustrent mon propos! L'amour des corps et de l'esprit, il n' y a rien à rajouter, sauf un bon vin et de bons chocolats !
En France, on a encore de bons vins ! :-o)
Bises à toi cher Brutos-Eros,