mardi 19 janvier 2010

Rough moments with Lee Young and Marc Williams

5 commentaires:

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An absolutely radiant tanline rollup fuck; the first still portrait in profile is quite enough, without the expenditure of bandwidth on the video. The beatitude in the faceblast portrait can simply not be doubted: the peace, the solace, the everlasting
beneficence of dick distilled in its own gracious spew. I'm much heartened to see Colt attaining this standard.

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The portrait of the bottomgush is superlatively directed, in his pec-enhancing crunch, top's hands releasing him as cock sustains his knock within. The strands portray the waves of fuck's fond rush throughout his frame, a visible trail of jolts exalts the conduct of his pleasure. Now praise top's heave of dick with rapine wringings of its root, the better of reciprocate the treasure that ye shoot.

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The grateful gaze upward to top from fuck's bare plinth, the gaping awe we observe even as top's power ass is shown in flexing fling of striving dick, speaks volumes for bottom's amazement for his famine to be so radiantly fulfilled. "Can this be my fortune to extract the sweet extortion of my fuck, the cock I crave a goring stave to burst my baggaged muck?" No doubt, as these powershoulders haul more of bottom up on cock, his awe will deepen, until the orbs of his gorgeously sculpted buttmolds form an impermeable seal with top's annealing hips, and dickjolt jars his memory of a hammerpith he savoured in a plusher form in suck. Ah, but for this cock, how could he have succumbed to this sweet-plumbing benison of fuck, to plead so for his anguish to endure?

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The privileged portrait, known to them only by touch, of the precious seal of anus, portrays an alternative posture but a common principle, anus' embrace confiding raptest resolution as well as its innate genius for fusion with dick. Anus defies anyone to discern the slightest gap between its knowing clasp and cock's most nuanced facets, in this great meeting of scrotums to exult in the beloved purgation of their load. But stay: the luscious foil of fuckhole seethes t'exract the slaking slide, the livid, long trajectory to stir the tide inside. No wonder, faces celebrate these places where immensity may hide, with gathering intensity to breach the other side.

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Can I link to this post please?