mercredi 26 mars 2008

Howard Roffman - to the cause of BelAmi

Photographer's website: Howard Roffman

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Vraiment top, ta collection des 25 photos romantiques noir et blanc de Howard Roffman !
Cela me rappelle le romantisme des photographes Bruce Weber, Adam Bouska !
Bises et Amitiés,

João Baptista a dit…

Belles Images

Anonyme a dit…

Images which wonderfully nourish our fondness for the body, in addition to their merit as photographs. I think it's important to acknowledge this aspect -- the inspirational effect -- because the energies invoked in these fine works will not only sustain their renown, they will replenish the ranks shown here, with elegant reinforcements and successors.

Keith a dit…

Merci pour publier ces belles photos.

Anonyme a dit…

belle tof