Blowjob / Fellation
Des leçons particulières par Rick Winter, un Américain qui a prodigué ses conseils sur le web.
Key lessons by Rick Winter.
Prenez le temps d’observer la queue de votre partenaire et identifiez ses zones sensibles.
Look at your partner’s penis. Study it. Learn its areas of special sensitivity to apply your knowledge to his body with your tongue and with your lips when you bend your loving head over his cock.
Le frein qui se situe à la base du gland retenant votre prépuce (si vous êtes non-circoncis) est une zone particulièrement sensible.
For most men the most sensitive area will be the point where the ring (or corona) of the head and the foreskin are attached. Or were attached prior to his circumcision. By continued licking and tapping along this area with your tongue you are going to bring forth a geyser.
Mouvement de piston – prenez le pénis de votre partenaire dans votre bouche et fermer vos lèvres juste derrière la couronne du gland. Sans ouvrir la bouche, faites glisser son gland en avant et en arrière. Faites attention à ne pas le blesser avec vos dents.
Slide it in. Take his cock in your mouth by sliding your moistened tongue lovingly over the head until your lips close around the shaft at the point just behind the corona. Don’t just open your mouth and close it around his cock. Slide it in. Watch your teeth on this one.Une jouissance plus intense
En comprimant le canal urinaire à la base de son pénis avec votre pouce pour bloquer la montée du sperme et en suçant vigoureusement son gland en même temps, vous pouvez retarder son éjaculation pour un bon moment malgré sa forte envie de jouir. Enfin lorsque vous le libérez, sa jouissance sera plus longue et plus intense.
Heightening his orgasm
If you place your thumb at the very base of the penis in such a way as to block the tube through which the cum spurts, the semen cannot escape even though he is spasming and going through the reflex action of ejaculating semen. If at the same time you suck vigorously on the head of his cock you can delay his cum for several long moments. When you finally allow the cum to spurt it will last much longer and be just as intense as a result.
Mouvement circulaire – prendre une partie de sa queue dans votre bouche et l’emprisonnez entre vos lèvres. Faites un mouvement circulaire avec votre tête. Sa queue se promènera ainsi à divers endroits de votre bouche avec ces mouvements circulaires. Surveillez vos dents.
Circle motion - Place his stiff cock inside your mouth but do not tighten your lips around the shaft. With your head begin a circle motion. The cock will slide to different places in your mouth as you continue the circle motion. Watch your teeth on this one.
Gorge profonde – il y a presque un angle de 90° entre la bouche et la gorge en position normale, aussi il n’est pas possible d’introduire le sexe dans la gorge. Pour y parvenir, il faudrait que la bouche et la gorge soient en ligne droite.
Ce type de pénétration peut se faire en position couchée, sur le dos, avec la tête bien penchée en arrière. Il est important de se relâcher et de laisser votre partenaire prendre le contrôle de la situation. Il peut ainsi enfourner tout son sexe dans votre gorge à son aise et entrer et sortir facilement.
Deep Throat - The biggest obstacle to taking all of his cock down your throat is the fact that there is a bend of almost ninety degrees behind your tongue leading down into your throat. So the first thing to do is get the cock past that angle. In order to practice this, get in a position where you can turn your head in such a way that your mouth and throat lie almost in a straight line.
The best position to accomplish this is to lie on a bed so that your head is near the edge with your body sprawled across the bed so that your head is tipped sharply back. This position will put your mouth and throat nearly in a line and will allow your partner to approach you in such a way that insertion of his cock can be made so deeply that his pubic hair presses against your lips.
You will only be able to relax and take his cock in this way if you completely thrust your partner. Your partner is in full control. He must initiate and maintain all the motion. This is the only exercise in which you relinquish your control of the situation to your partner. He will relish this for the simple fact that for the first time he can insert his cock as deeply down your throat as he wants to.
1 commentaire:
That's what i love to do
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