vendredi 11 juillet 2008

B & W / Un instant monochromatique

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Beloved to our memory and our sight are the penises of morning (8720+8721), lately extracted of their nourishment yet luscious to regain our grateful suck, precious soothings of their shafts still fondly felt within our soul, bulbously enbloating to bestir the foil to floating on their fuck.

I have seen a portrait of the muglord only once, in black T, his gracious pith of penis sequestered in its zealous sheath -- but at this very same cabinet; so this publication comes as an answer to a dream. Meanwhile, the pectoral prince in his tub allows such visual rehearsal of his company, that we restore him to our embrace as an old friend.

Edu a dit…

I love your monochr, B&W or sepia, pics.